Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Plus-Size Stereotype

I can honestly say I have spent more than half of my life worrying about what other's have thought of me. If I left my house, I looked into the face of every single person as I walked past them in the street, or sat next to them on the bus, or even in class. I worried. I worried mainly about what they were thinking, as I re-adjusted my shirt and jacket for the 10th time. I figured they looked on at me like I was some zoo animal. I worried mainly for no reason, no one every said anything to me. I constantly would replay a moment when someone smiled at me, or bumped into me. I drove myself crazy every single day, tormenting my own mind, damaging my image by the way I felt about myself. No one could love me, and it was my fault. It wasn't until I realized, I didn't have to read minds to feel okay around people in public. I didn't have to re-adjust the skirt I wasn't sure if I looked good in for the 20th time, and I sure as hell didn't have to care about what others thought about me! It wasn't until I realized that if I just showed myself a little more love, that other's would see it, and I would feel inevitably better about myself. I've tried every single diet known to man, just to fit into an image that didn't fit me. I dreamed of a day when I would be a size 2, when I was a full figured size 22. I thought I was ugly, and I believed the ugly thoughts my mind made up, and that I have heard about myself over the years. However this is a new year. This is 2013, and I intend on making every single moment count. I have slowly changed nearly every single aspect of my life. Including love, fashion, and family. I'm here to share every bit of it with you. Will you join YVV and make a change this year? Will you stand up to those who thought your weren't worth it? Will you grow into the beautiful person you are? Yes, Yes, Yes, and YES! & you'll do it all right here. 

Your Voluptuous Vixen

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